Request for Photography and/or 视频服务

注意: Your request is not booked until you receive a confirmation after submitting your request. Please request services as soon as possible, but at least one week in advance.

If you are requesting photography services, you can check the college photographer's photo shoot calendar for availability before making your request.

We also facilitate pre-taped, or livestream events outside of the daily classroom technologies. We offer the use of the BTC Auditorium, Maureen Stapleton Theatre and our studio to produce faculty and staff programs or presentations. To request our services please fill out the form below. For these services, please make sure to give a few weeks notice so we can properly staff and execute the request.


Multimedia and 视频服务 (MVS)

Bulmer Telecommunications Center, Room 1082

Photography Services

Photography/Multimedia Specialist
Bulmer Telecommunications Center, Room 1076